Q-PLM – Quality Assurance for VET Providers Using Product Lifecycle Management

QPLM-Logo538379-LLP-1-2013-1-AT-LEONARDO-LMP – is a Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects for Development of Innovation project.

The main aim of the Q-PLM project is to, in an adapted form, transfer Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) that is primarily being used in the industrial and IT area, to the field of further education. Active PLM facilitates product control, -planning, -adaptation and product innovation, thus enabling a market orientated approach of the portfolios in further education. This project involves the development of an IT-based tool for an integrated product lifecycle management for VET providers which facilitates product control, planning, adaptation and innovation, thus enabling a market-orientated approach of the portfolios in further education.

Q-PLM – Quality Assurance for VET Providers Using Product Lifecycle Management


Project Outputs:

Analysis of existing PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) software

Research of variables influencing the product lifecycle of a VET offer

Identification of indicators for variables for product lifecycles in VET

Handbook for Active Product Lifecycle Management for VET providers

Software product for Active Product Lifecycle Management for VET providers

Testing phase for the software

Final conference event in Austria in September 2015


Q-PLM – Quality Assurance for VET Providers Using Product Lifecycle Management


Q-PLM – Quality Assurance for VET Providers Using Product Lifecycle Management


Project Partners

Austria                        Berufsförderungsinstitut Steiermark, http://www.bfi-stmk.at

Germany         INIT Developments, Ltd, http://www.init-developments.eu

Belgium            Syntra West vzw, http://www.syntrawest.be

Spain               Fondo Formación Euskadi, http://www.ffeuskadi.net

Finland WinNova, http://www.winnova.fi

Slovenia          Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, http://www.gzs.si

Romania          Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava, http://www.usv.ro


Project website: http://www.q-plm.eu/en/